Chorus: Cut Time

This is one of your most valuable resources for chorus news. This website enables students and
parents to view the chorus calendar, to check your chorus financial account, and to download any
materials required for class. Check CutTime early and often! 

Logging in for the first time:
● If you are a new student to chorus, you will need to create your account by going to and clicking on “Student/Parent Sign Up”. We will do this together
in class.

Logging in after creating your account:
● Website:
● Click “SIGN IN” in the top right hand corner
● Enter Username or Email/Password
● If you have lost your Username or Password please send us an email so we can reset

Chorus Connection Email

An email will be sent out typically once or twice a month to inform students and their families of
chorus news and events. Paper copies are available upon request. Everyone is responsible for the
information contained therein. Reading the email or checking on CutTime can usually answer 90%
of chorus questions. If after the third week of school you are not receiving emails, please contact Ms.
Pratt. Additional emails will be kept to a minimum.