Night on Broadway is a professionally produced musical event performed annually at Winter Park High School. Although the tradition of Broadway-themed performances at Winter Park High School dates back over three decades, these performances took on a new meaning following the death of former student Tyler Rush (1983-1998). Through the years, Night on Broadway has emerged as a lasting tribute to Tyler’s memory and has taken many forms including: cabaret, gala, concert, book musical, operetta, and musical revue. Regardless of the format, Tyler’s spirit remains at the heart of every performance. In bringing Night on Broadway to life each year, we strive to craft a meaningful and educational experience for students and audience members alike. In doing so, we always ascribe to these basic tenets:
• Night on Broadway is about the human spirit. Tyler Rush lived with a kind, sensitive, and generous spirit. In honoring his memory each year, all of us embark on our own educational, musical, and personal journeys of creativity and self-discovery. The universal spirit of giving manifests itself in the dedication of our students as well as the devotion and generosity of our parent organization, professionals, and local businesses.
• Night on Broadway is intense. The rehearsal and performance process is an exhausting one. From the first rehearsal to the final performance, the show goes up in approximately four weeks. This is a testament to the tremendous dedication of our team.
• Night on Broadway is inclusive. This is a co-curricular event, which involves every chorus student, a cast of parent performers, as well as members of the band, drama, guitar, and orchestra departments!
Proceeds from Night on Broadway benefit the Tyler Rush Memorial Scholarship Fund. Tyler Rush (1983-1998) was an energetic and enthusiastic member of Concert Choir and Park Singers when his life was cut short by a tragic car accident. Tyler truly loved musical theater and enjoyed the productions in which he performed: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at First United Methodist Church of Winter Park, A Month in the Country at Rollins College Annie Russell Theater, and Godspell with the Park Singers.
Since 1999, over $157,000 in scholarships has been awarded to graduating seniors from the money raised through Night on Broadway performances and donations. The mission of this fund is to raise money, through tax-deductible contributions, for college scholarships awarded to seniors involved in the WPHS Choral Department. Scholarship recipients are announced at the end of each school year.
Please make your tax-deductible donations payable to:
Winter Park High School Foundation/Tyler Rush Fund
P.O Box 1722
Winter Park, FL 32790
In 2008, the Choral Department commissioned Broadway composer Jason Howland (Little Women the Musical) and Dani Davis to write an original song in Tyler’s memory. This song, “There Is Only One You,” has become a lasting tribute to Tyler’s spirit and is performed every year at the end of Night on Broadway. Check out a past performance: