Fair Share

Each year, the orchestra spends about $400 per student. Only a small part of this budget is funded by the school system. Like other performing arts, athletic, and civic organizations, the remaining portion of our budget comes in the form of fund-raising and donations.

Enhanced instruction and active orchestral participation afforded by our program is accomplished through a budget with expenses including:

·clinician fees


·public relations

·event supplies

·student and faculty enrichment

·instrument purchase and repair

·room technology

·registration fees

·travel costs


·student scholarships

·concert and production costs


Each student in Symphonic, Lyric and Park Phil is expected to contribute a $150 fair share, payable in one lump sum or in three installments.

Those that are new to the program also have the cost of the orchestra uniform. To help offset this financial burden, the fair share contribution for each freshman student (or new incoming WPHS student) will be $100, payable in one lump sum or in three installments.

This obligation can be paid directly or paid through the student’s fundraising efforts. The orchestra program also offers a “sibling discount” for families with more than one student in the orchestra program in the same year. Please see Mrs. Bitters.

If there are financial concerns, do not hesitate to contact the Orchestra office. ORCHESTRA IS FOR EVERYONE, and NO STUDENT will be turned away due to financial issues. Notifying the director in writing (email preferred) early in the year is essential.

When paying money to the orchestra, please write the student’s name on all checks. Checks should be made payable to “Winter Park High School Orchestra” or “WPHS Orchestra”.

Parents:You can now pay for fees with a credit card or a direct bank draft through the OCPS website. Go to www.schoolpay.ocps.net, register, and start paying!  We prefer online payment. The SchoolPay service is audited by a third-party to assure adherence to the strict, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS).


Important: A student who remains in the program from year to year carries over his/her account balance to the following year. Siblings may transfer account credits to each other at the end of the school year. Graduating seniors with credit balances and no younger sibling in orchestra automatically contribute the positive balance to the program. The names of any students who have not met their financial obligation by the conclusion of the school year will be turned into the administration to be placed on the school financial obligation list. Students who have outstanding financial obligations will NOT be allowed to participate in the OCPS All-County Orchestra, FOA All-State Orchestra, any orchestra trip, or any other extra orchestra event.


Orchestra Contacts

Orchestra Director Laurie Bitters