There are three important steps you must complete for community service:
1.Complete the Community Service Log and Reflection Form.
2. Attach either a letter from the organization with which the student volunteered or pay stub from the place of employment.
3.Submit your Community Service Log and Reflection Form with hours completed and letter from the organization or paystub to the Student Services office. We recommend you make a copy of all documents before submitting them.
Please note the Community Service Proposal Form is no longer part of the this process.
***Students CANNOT obtain Bright Futures community service hours for being a Student Assistant, participating in PIT Crew, or for attending club meetings.***

Community Service Log and Reflection

The link below will take you to a list of organizations that have worked with WPHS students in the past. Please feel free to find your own opportunities based on your interests and passions. Keep in mind you cannot receive payment for your service and it must benefit the community at large. If you have additional questions please contact your school counselor.
Community Service Opportunities in Orlando and Winter Park