Inbound - Host a Student

American Councils for International Education


American Councils is a grantee grantee organization of the U.S.Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural
Affairs (ECA) and is accredited by the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET).


Host a Student! (Get the American Council Brochure).

Because the State Department is involved, qualifying as a host family requires completing an application, and the ability to provide the following:

  • The Host Family must be able to provide meals and snacks

  • A bed in a room not shared with the opposite gender

  • A place to study

  • Transportation to school

  • Commitment to allow the student to be involved in their family and school activities

  • Students cannot work, unless for volunteer hours for school, or small babysitting or yard maintenance in their neighborhood.

  • Students do receive a small stipend for personal items and school related activities.