Wildcat Outreach

Wildcat Outreach

What is Wildcat Outreach? 
Wildcat Outreach is a Winter Park High School PTSA initiative that helps provide in-need WPHS students with basics such as school supplies, clothing and food. Your donations will provide the extra financial support needed to ensure every WPHS student has the tools needed for a year of success! 

The needs of our community are greater this year than ever before. We have joined forces with the highly efficient Army of Angels to help collect and distribute essential needs to our students. 


Financial contributions can be made on SchoolPay. Collected funds will go toward WPHS students’ essential needs such as school supplies and food. The Wildcat Outreach tab is located under Nonprofit Group on SchoolPay:
Wildcat Outreach Contributions

Army of Angels
Please sign up with  Army of Angels to receive volunteer and specific donation requests. 
Volunteer opportunities include purchasing, packing and/or delivering essential needs to our students.

Parents, if you would like to get involved in Wildcat Outreach or make a donation please check out our Wildcat Outreach for Parents Flyer.

Students, if you are in need of food, clothes, school supplies, or other essentials go to:
1- Resources Needed Sign Up
2- Wildcat Outreach for Students Flyer